- Was it all in vain? 这一切都是徒劳的吗?
- Cardiac massage was tried but (it was tried) all in vain. 试行了心脏按摩,但毫无效果。
- All in vain, water can not be unquantifiable. 人不可貌相,水不可斗量。
- However, competitors imitate, counterfeit, you can let it all in vain, he may not care about your feelings! 不过,竞争者的模仿、假冒,可以让这一切付之东流,他可不会在意您的感受!
- I'm afraid my efforts were all in vain. 恐怕我的努力全白费了。
- Sara: I was part of your plan. Was it all an act? 我是你计划的一部分!你一直在我面前演戏?
- Was it all trumpets and fireworks? 你们热情难熄?
- We tried everything to make the ramrod guard move,but all in vain. 我们千方百计想让这个死板的卫兵移动一下,但都无济于事。
- Be it all right to stay a night at guam? 在关岛住一夜行吗?
- Be it all right to wash this blouse myself? 这一件短上衣可不可以自己洗呢?
- I have it all in transcript and edited. 这些我都已经记下来并整理出来了。
- We tried everything to make the ramrod guard move, but all in vain. 我们千方百计想让这个死板的卫兵移动一下,但都无济於事。
- I was part of your plan. Was it all an act? 我是你计划的一部分!你一直在我面前演戏?
- He carried a torch for that pretty woman, but all in vain. 他一厢情愿的爱那美女,但一切均徒然。
- Mack: I heard him shouting. What was it all about? 麦克:我刚才听见他在咆哮。发生了甚麽事?
- I did it all in vain. 白忙一场.
- Some people find retiring difficult, but he has taken it all in his stride. 有些人觉得退休生活很艰难,但他轻而易举地适应了。
- You can fit it all in if you write very small. 你字写小点,就可以全部填进去。
- After five years, he decided to jack it all in. 五年后,他就决定完全放弃了。
- Win it all in fishing and cooking contests! 赢取钓鱼和烹饪比赛!